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Attendance is free for paid-up members and is for members only.

Duration 3 days
Timing From 10:00 on Monday to 17:15 on Wednesday
Attendance Up to 24 company presentations or fireside chats with senior management
3 or more guest presentations by consumer and industry research experts
350-400 conference delegates
Format 60-minute plenary session including Q&A
45-minute one-on-one and small group meetings throughout conference
Dress code Business casual; Formal business attire also acceptable

All formal CAGE Conference activities qualify for Continuing Professional Development (CPD) or Continuing Professional Education (CPE) credits, and can be classified as either "Conferences, seminars and webinars" or "Formal discussions/meetings". You should keep the printed conference programme as proof of attendance. Please note that CAGE itself is not CPE/CPD accredited.

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